
Sunday 11 September 2022

Welcome to my blog

Hi! I'm happy you are visiting my blog because that means that you have a lot motivation to learn!

This year things have changed a little bit and as they say everything is the same and at the same time everything is different! We have new contents or set up in a different way and also a new subject called Civil Values. 

In this blog I'll be posting different topics that we can read together and of course your comments are all welcome!

Here is a photo of a chinese park. A place which is very calm and quite.

That's all for today. I just wanted to say hello to this year 2022-2023!



  1. Hi Simon!!!!! I´m Paula from 6B of last year, how are you???😋😊

    1. Hello Paula!! I hope you're doing fine in the new place!! I'm sure you will!! Miss you all! 😁😀😎

  2. Hello Simon I am Malak can you send a video of the parts to the plants please for remember a little bite thankyou so much.
