
Wednesday 22 March 2023

Heat and Light - Natural - Unit 5 - Heat


Mountain climbing with uncle Pete

Mark and his Uncle Pete had been planning their mountain climbing trip for months, excited to tackle the daunting Ben Nevis in Scotland. They had packed their bags with all the necessary gear and supplies, eager to start their adventure.

However, when they arrived at the base of the mountain, the weather took a turn for the worse. The wind was howling and the rain was coming down in sheets. Uncle Pete had climbed this mountain many times before, but even he was hesitant to go up in such conditions.

But Mark was determined. He had been dreaming of climbing Ben Nevis for years and didn't want to miss this opportunity. Uncle Pete eventually relented, and they started their ascent.

The climb was treacherous. The rain made the rocks slippery, and the wind made it difficult to keep their balance. Mark struggled to keep up with his experienced uncle, but he refused to give up.

As they got higher, the conditions worsened. The wind was so strong it was almost impossible to stand, and the rain was stinging their faces. They could barely see the trail ahead of them, but they pressed on.

Finally, they reached the summit. Mark was exhausted and freezing, but he felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. He had conquered Ben Nevis in some of the worst conditions imaginable. Uncle Pete looked at Mark with a sense of pride, knowing he had helped his nephew achieve his dream.

As they made their descent, the weather cleared up, and the sun began to shine. Mark and Uncle Pete laughed and joked, relieved to have made it back down safely. They knew they had experienced something incredible, something they would never forget.

Arts: The House

This is the drawing that we are working with. Look at all the details. I can see that you are improving a lot in your own drawings. Take your time and follow the guidelines but at the same time be creative.

"The House"

Here you have a video that explain how to draw a simple house.

Finally, I will include the template that we are using.

And also other designs so you can get ideas for future drawings if you enjoy drawing houses.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Energy Review

 Look at this image and find the different forms of energy:

Types of energy that we find in the universe

Here is a mindmap that will help you. Remember that Energy is the ability to do a work.  

Here is a picture that represent the sources of energy. 

This is a diagram of an hydroelectric Power Station:

Tuesday 14 March 2023

The Hidden Spaceship

The fifth-grade science class was filled with curious and eager-to-learn students. However, there was something very peculiar about this class. There were several students with repeated names. There were two Ahinoas, two Marios, two Alexes, and two Emilys. No one knew how to explain this coincidence, but everyone was intrigued.

Mr. Simon was the science teacher of the class. He was a kind and passionate teacher who always encouraged his students to explore and learn more about science. B13 was one of his students, and he was known for his love of math and science. He was a curious and determined student who always looked for new challenges.

One day, while Mr. Simon was explaining mathematical patterns in class, B13 noticed something unusual. He realized that the pairs of repeated names followed a mathematical pattern in their position on the student list. B13 became intrigued by this pattern, and he spent the next few days analyzing the numbers on the student list. He found a special numerical sequence that seemed to lead to a mysterious location.

B13 shared his findings with his friend Emily, who was equally fascinated by the mystery. Emily was a physics enthusiast, and she suggested using trigonometry and calculus to analyze the coordinates further. Together, they worked on calculating the distance and direction between the two sets of coordinates, trying to decipher the location they led to.

After several days of intense calculations and research, they discovered that the coordinates led to a location in the nearby woods. B13 and Emily were thrilled by this news and wanted to go see what was there.

The woods were thick and mysterious. The trees were tall and covered in moss, and the only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. The students felt a sense of adventure and excitement as they set out on their journey.

As they walked deeper into the woods, they came across a winding path that led them to a small clearing. In the center of the clearing, they saw something that took their breath away - a large metallic spaceship.

The spaceship was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was covered in strange symbols and markings, and its surface was smooth and gleaming. The students stood in awe, trying to take in the enormity of their discovery.

As they approached the spaceship, they noticed that there was a hatch on the side. B13 and Emily, being the bravest of the group, decided to open the hatch and take a peek inside. They were surprised to find that the inside of the spaceship was filled with strange instruments and gadgets, and there was a strange, otherworldly hum coming from within.

The students felt a mix of fear and excitement as they explored the spaceship. They wondered who had built it, and what its purpose was. They knew that this discovery would change their lives forever, and they felt proud to have been the ones to make it.

After spending some time exploring the spaceship, the students decided to make their way back to school. They felt a sense of accomplishment and pride as they walked back through the woods, knowing that their curiosity, teamwork, and mathematical and scientific skills had led them to this exciting discovery.

Mr. Simon was proud of his students and encouraged them to keep exploring and learning about science. From that day on, the fifth-grade science class students felt even more motivated to learn, knowing that their curiosity, mathematical, and scientific skills could take them to places they had never imagined before.

1. Who was Mr. Simon, and how did he encourage his students?

2. Who was B13, and what did he notice during class?

3. Who did B13 share his findings with, and what did they suggest doing?

4. Where did the coordinates that B13 found lead to, and what did they discover there?

5. How did B13 and Emily feel as they explored the spaceship, and what did they wonder about?

6. What did the students feel as they made their way back to school, and how did Mr. Simon react to their discovery?

Monday 13 March 2023

Middle Ages Mind Map

 Here is the mindmap:


476: Fall of the Roman Empire

589: King Recaredo converts to catholicism

711: Battle of Guadalete

929: Cordobas Emirate

1492: Conquer of Granada

Society was divided in three levels: The Nobles, The Clergy and the Peasants (campesinos). 

Thursday 9 March 2023

Sources of Energy

Energy is the ability to do a work.

Energy can never be destroyed. It is transformed.

You have to distinguish between forms of energy and sources of energy. When we talk about sources of energy we talk about where we find the energy. 

Tuesday 7 March 2023

I was sleeping when...

Once upon a time, I was sleeping when suddenly there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it, but no one was there. Confused, I went back to sleep.

I was sleeping when suddenly there was a knock
at the door

The next day, I met up with my friend and asked who they had invited to their party. They told me they had invited everyone except for one person. I was surprised and asked, "Who did you invite to the party?"

As we walked, we noticed a man walking down the street carrying a football. I asked my friend, "Why does Paul carry his football all the time?" My friend didn't know and we continued walking.

Later that day, I saw Caroline crying when I was with her. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me about the troubles she was having with her family. I listened and offered my support.

The following week, my friend and I were waiting at the bus stop when it started to rain. We huddled together under a shelter, grateful for the protection it provided. As we waited, we talked about our favorite authors and I asked, "Which author do you enjoy the most?" My friend replied with their favorite author and we continued our conversation until the bus arrived.

Monday 6 March 2023

Literary Genres


Make a search on Google and type "Literary genres", you will find out there are many more. 

Watching series and films in English

When I first started watching series and films in English, I was so excited to immerse myself in the language and culture. However, I quickly realized that it was going to be more challenging than I had anticipated.

Lost in Space is a good series for kids!

At first, I struggled to keep up with the dialogue and had to constantly pause and rewind to make sure I understood everything that was being said. It was frustrating and discouraging, and I started to question whether it was worth the effort.

But something kept me going. Maybe it was the desire to improve my English skills or the hope of someday being able to understand everything without subtitles. Whatever it was, I kept watching.

As time went on, I started to notice a change. The more I watched, the easier it became to understand. I started to recognize common phrases and idioms and even started to pick up on cultural references that I wouldn't have understood before.

I also started to appreciate the nuances of the language. English is a rich and complex language, and I found that watching series and films in its original version allowed me to fully appreciate the beauty of it.

Not only that, but I also found myself getting more invested in the stories and characters. There's something special about watching a film or series in its original language. It feels more authentic and genuine, and I felt like I was getting a more complete experience.

Now, I watch almost everything in English. It's become a habit and a source of enjoyment for me. I love being able to fully immerse myself in a story and to appreciate the language and culture it represents.

Watching series and films in English may have been difficult at first, but it has been a rewarding experience. It has allowed me to improve my language skills, appreciate the nuances of the language, and fully immerse myself in the stories and characters. I'm grateful for the challenge and for the growth it has brought me. 

  1. Do you like watching series in English?
  2. How do you think watching series in English can help you learn the language?
  3. What are some of the challenges you've faced when watching series in English?
  4. Do you prefer to watch series with or without subtitles?
  5. How do you choose which series to watch in English?
  6. Have you noticed any improvement in your English skills since you started watching series in English?

Sunday 5 March 2023

English Reading Activity

When I was growing up, I used to read books all the time. I loved the way books could take me to a different world and let me experience things I could never do in real life. It was like a magical escape from the world around me.

My parents were always supportive of my love for books. They would take me to the library every weekend, and I would spend hours browsing through the shelves, looking for the perfect book. I remember the excitement I felt when I discovered a new series, or when I finally got my hands on a book that I had been waiting for months to read.

Reading was not just a hobby for me, it was a way of life. When I was reading, the rest of the world didn't exist. I would lose track of time and forget about everything else. It was just me and the characters in the book.

One summer, I spent every day reading in the park. I would pack a picnic blanket and some snacks and spend hours reading. The park became my sanctuary, and the characters in the books became my friends. I would imagine myself going on adventures with them, or solving mysteries alongside them.

One day, while I was reading a mystery novel, a little girl came up to me and asked what I was reading. I showed her the cover, and she smiled. We started talking about our favorite books and characters, and it turned out that we both loved the same series. We spent the rest of the afternoon reading together and discussing the story.

From that day on, we became reading buddies. Every weekend, we would meet up in the park and read together. Sometimes we would act out scenes from our favorite books, pretending we were the characters. It was like we were living in our own little world.

As I got older, my love for books never faded. I had a big library at home filled with books of all kinds. One day, while I was organizing my library, I found an old book I used to love when I was a kid. It was a book about a girl who travels to a magical land and has all kinds of adventures.

I started reading it again and was immediately transported back to my childhood. It was like the rest of the world didn't exist. I could feel the excitement and joy I felt when I first read the book. As I finished the last page, I realized how much I missed the feeling of being completely engrossed in a story.

Throughout my teenage years, I started to appreciate books for different reasons. I discovered books that helped me understand myself better and books that exposed me to new ideas and ways of thinking. Reading became more than just a hobby, it was a way for me to learn and grow as a person.

When I went to college, I continued to read as much as I could. I joined a book club on campus and made friends with other book lovers. We would meet once a month to discuss the book we had read, and it was always interesting to hear everyone's different perspectives.

Now, as an adult, I still love books. I have a job that allows me to work with books every day, and I couldn't be happier. Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I turn to a book for comfort. It's like a peaceful escape from the world around me. And I always think back to that day in the park when I met my reading buddy and discovered my love for books. It's amazing how one little moment can change your life forever.


1. What did the narrator love about reading books when they were growing up?

The narrator loved how books could take them to a different world and let them experience things they could never do in real life.

2. Did the narrator prefer reading books or experiencing things in real life?

It's not explicitly stated whether the narrator preferred reading books or experiencing things in real life.

3. How did reading books make the narrator feel?

Reading books made the narrator feel like they were escaping from the world around them

4. Did the narrator feel like reading books was a form of escapism?

Yes, the narrator felt like reading books was a form of escapism.

5. Did the narrator enjoy reading books because they could experience things that were impossible in real life?

Yes, the narrator enjoyed reading books because they could experience things that were impossible in real life.

6. Did the narrator think of reading books as a form of magic

7. Was the narrator always reading books when they were growing up

8. Did the narrator read books in a particular genre or did they read a variety of different genres

9. Did the narrator have a favorite book when they were growing up

10. Did the narrator continue to read books as they got older or did their reading habits change?