
Tuesday 7 March 2023

I was sleeping when...

Once upon a time, I was sleeping when suddenly there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it, but no one was there. Confused, I went back to sleep.

I was sleeping when suddenly there was a knock
at the door

The next day, I met up with my friend and asked who they had invited to their party. They told me they had invited everyone except for one person. I was surprised and asked, "Who did you invite to the party?"

As we walked, we noticed a man walking down the street carrying a football. I asked my friend, "Why does Paul carry his football all the time?" My friend didn't know and we continued walking.

Later that day, I saw Caroline crying when I was with her. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me about the troubles she was having with her family. I listened and offered my support.

The following week, my friend and I were waiting at the bus stop when it started to rain. We huddled together under a shelter, grateful for the protection it provided. As we waited, we talked about our favorite authors and I asked, "Which author do you enjoy the most?" My friend replied with their favorite author and we continued our conversation until the bus arrived.