
Monday 6 March 2023

Watching series and films in English

When I first started watching series and films in English, I was so excited to immerse myself in the language and culture. However, I quickly realized that it was going to be more challenging than I had anticipated.

Lost in Space is a good series for kids!

At first, I struggled to keep up with the dialogue and had to constantly pause and rewind to make sure I understood everything that was being said. It was frustrating and discouraging, and I started to question whether it was worth the effort.

But something kept me going. Maybe it was the desire to improve my English skills or the hope of someday being able to understand everything without subtitles. Whatever it was, I kept watching.

As time went on, I started to notice a change. The more I watched, the easier it became to understand. I started to recognize common phrases and idioms and even started to pick up on cultural references that I wouldn't have understood before.

I also started to appreciate the nuances of the language. English is a rich and complex language, and I found that watching series and films in its original version allowed me to fully appreciate the beauty of it.

Not only that, but I also found myself getting more invested in the stories and characters. There's something special about watching a film or series in its original language. It feels more authentic and genuine, and I felt like I was getting a more complete experience.

Now, I watch almost everything in English. It's become a habit and a source of enjoyment for me. I love being able to fully immerse myself in a story and to appreciate the language and culture it represents.

Watching series and films in English may have been difficult at first, but it has been a rewarding experience. It has allowed me to improve my language skills, appreciate the nuances of the language, and fully immerse myself in the stories and characters. I'm grateful for the challenge and for the growth it has brought me. 

  1. Do you like watching series in English?
  2. How do you think watching series in English can help you learn the language?
  3. What are some of the challenges you've faced when watching series in English?
  4. Do you prefer to watch series with or without subtitles?
  5. How do you choose which series to watch in English?
  6. Have you noticed any improvement in your English skills since you started watching series in English?