
Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Spanish Rivers

A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river. 

Parts of a river

Source: where a river begins.

Falls: a steep descent of the water of a river.

Flood: the rising of a river and its overflowing onto normally dry land.

Tributary: a branch that flows into the main stream.

Gravity: force that causes water to flow in a certain direction.

Dam: a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water. Normally it has a power station.

Reservoir: a lake in a river produced by a dam.


Cantabrian watershed: rivers are close to the coast. They are short and fast flowing. There is a lot of rain. They have permanent flow.  Bidasoa, Nervión, Ibaizábal, Asón, Miera, Pas, Saja, Nansa, Deva Sella, Nalón, Navia and Eo.

Atlantic watershed: here we have rivers that flow into the Atlantic Sea. There are two types:

a) Galician’s coast. They have an abundant flow. They are long because the mountains are far away from the coast. Miño, Tambre and Ulla.

b) Rivers from the Central Plateau: these are the longest in Spain. Their source is in the mountains close to the mediterranean. They have irregular flow. Duero, Tajo, Guadiana and Guadalquivir.

Mediterranean watershed: They are short rivers because the mountains where they are born are close to the sea. They have irregular flow. There are dry periods and periods with heavy raining that cause floods. The Ebro is the exception. Ebro, Turia, Júcar and Segura.

Main rivers

The most important rivers in Spain are the following (from north to south and from west to east): Miño, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Júcar and Ebro.

Miño: It has a lenght of 310 km. It goes through Lugo, Orense, Pontevedra and Portugal. Its main tributary is river Sil.

Duero: Its source is in Urbion peaks. The third longest rivers in Spain and peninsula. Length of 897 km. Its mouth is in Oporto. Its tributaries with more than 100 km are: Águeda, Zapardiel, Duratón, Adaja, Tormes, Valderauey, Pisuerga Esla and Huebra.

Tajo: the source is in the Universal mountains and goes along Teruel, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid, Toledo, Cáceres and Portugal. It is the longest river in the peninsula (but not in Spain) with a length of 1088 km. Its mouth is in Lisbon. 

Guadiana: Its source is in Ojos de Guadiana. It has 744 km. It goes across the south plateau. Its length is 818 km. It goes along Albacete, Ciudad Real, Badajoz and Huelva.

Guadalquivir: Its source is in Cañada de las Fuentes and its mouth is in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Its length is 657 km. It’s the fifth river. It goes along Jaén, Córdoba, Sevilla, Huelva and Cádiz.

Júcar: It has 497 km of length. It goes along Cuenca, Albacete and Valencia.

Ebro: Its source is in Cantabria in Fontibre and it flows into the mediterranean in Tarragona. Length: 930 km. It is the longest in Spain. It goes along Cantabria, Palencia, Burgos, La Rioja, Álava, Navarra, Zaragoza and Tarragona. 

Other rivers in the world:

Amazon: the largest river in South America 6992 km. Nile: The largest river in Africa. 6853 km

Volga: the largest river in Europe. 3692 km.

Now you can watch this video that includes everything:

Sunday, 27 September 2020

George Seurat

Georges-Pierre Seurat (1859 – 1891) was a French post-Impressionist artist. He is best known for devising the painting techniques known as pointillism. 

Seurat's artistic personality combined qualities that are usually supposed to be opposed and incompatible: on the one hand, his extreme and delicate sensibility, on the other, a passion for logical abstraction and an almost mathematical precision of mind.

His large-scale work A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1884–1886) altered the direction of modern art by initiating Neo-impressionism, and is one of the icons of late 19th-century painting.

Here is one important painting called "Honfleur Port". 

This place is in the north of France and here I'll show you some pictures of the "real place" and some other drawings.

Here you can see the real lighthouse.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020


As you may have already guessed this crossword (or at least most of the words in this crossword) has to do with things related to a house. Here is a video you can watch:

Now the clue! First let me show you the crossword:

To have something is the same as to say "to own". Rememeber the word "owner" for example.

If we say "stay the same" that means that nothing changes. Another way of saying that is to use the word "remain". 

I hope this helps! Tell me waht do you think? Do you need more help?

Thursday, 17 September 2020

A great new start!

So! Here we are again! It was fantastic to see you again at school! Let me give you my best welcome!

Let's start a new year full of great things and a lot of learning. To start with let me tell you that we are going to use Milton Travelers and the username and password are going to be the same until new order. You've got one assignment already settled. 

Here is a photo of how I imagine this year:

Do you like it? What do you think about it?

During these days I'm going to ask you to update your Google Account and soon I'll provide you with the new code for the class. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Cómo cambiar el nombre de tu cuenta Google

En ocasiones nos puede interesar cambiar nuestra información en nuestra cuenta de google. Eso hace posible que luego cuando usemos una clase en Google Classroom los nombres de los alumnos se vean con mayor claridad y orden, evitando errores.


1. Vete a Google y entra en tu cuenta pinchando en la derecha. Es un círculo que tendrá una letra o foto que hayas puesto. Si no tienes cuenta de Google deberás crear una. Aquí tienes ayuda

2. Pincha en "Gestionar tu cuenta de Google". Aparece un menú a la izquierda. 

3. Pincha en "Información personal". Ahí te sale la foto, nombre, fecha de nacimiento, sexo, contraseña...

4. Pincha en "Nombre". Es posible que Google te envíe un número a tu teléfono móvil como medida de seguridad. Ahora ya puedes cambiar tu nombre y apellido, de la siguiente forma:

En Nombre pon tu número de clase seguido de tu nombre. Por ejemplo: 04 Marta

Los números irán numerados así: 01, 02, 03, 04, etc.

5. En Apellido, pon tu apellido. 

Con estas instrucciones ya sabes cómo cambiar tu nombre en la cuenta de google. Si tienes más dudas es muy fácil buscar tutoriales en youtube o en google. You can also find them in English. Note that there is considerable more information about google accounts in English than in Spanish. 

Here is an example for mobile phones: