
Wednesday, 10 November 2021

The sense of sight: the eye

The eye

The organ of sight transforms electromagnetic waves into electrical signals. 

The photoreceptors influence cells that we have inside our eyes. 

We perceive shapes, distance, movement, color and depth by our sense of sight. The organ for the sense of sight is the eye, about the shape of a ping-pong ball. The eye alone cannot make sight possible. It works with the brain and on the outside, needs light to be present.

Now, watch this video:

First of all Let’s understand the parts of the eye

The eye has different parts like the cornea, the iris, the pupil, the lens, the sclera, and the retina, 

The cornea is like the window that lets light into your eye. It’s transparent. 

The iris is the distinctive coloured part of the eye which is uniquely yours. It’s made of smooth muscle tissue located between the cornea and the lens. The iris contracts and expands depending on the amount of light. 

The pupil is just the opening in your eye. It’s the black part that you see. 

The retina is the inner layer in the back part of your eye. 

The retina is the back part of the eye that contains the cells that respond to light. These specialized cells are called photoreceptors. There are 2 types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones.

Scientists believe that each eye has about 120 million rods and 7 million cones. Rods are super-sensitive in the dark, and help us see things in the dark. Cones are active in the light and help us see color.

By the way we have millions of photoreceptors. 

These specialized cells are called photoreceptors. There are 2 types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones. The rods are most sensitive to light and dark changes, shape and movement and contain only one type of light-sensitive pigment. Rods are not good for color vision.

The inside of your eye is hollow. 

What to know more? GO HERE


  1. Thank you Simon for the information about the eye 👁👀😊

  2. Replies
    1. Not all, because some of this information we already have seen it at class, but select the most important things from the first two paragraphs and above all, understand the different parts of the organ of sight.
